World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

June 15

Today represents the one day of the year when the whole world voices its opposition to the abuse and suffering of older adults.

Elder abuse is a global social issue which affects the health and human rights of millions of older persons around the world, and an issue which deserves the attention of the international community.

Facts About Elder Abuse From The World Health Organization

  • 1 in 6 older adults worldwide have been abused in the past year.
  • As many as 2 out of 3 people with dementia have been abused.
  • Victims of elder abuse were twice as likely to die compared to older people who did not report abuse.
  • The United States spends $5.3 billion each year in medical costs from violent injuries to older people.

Click here to view the complete Elder Abuse Infographic.

THIS WEEKEND: $25,000 Matching Gift Challenge – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

THIS WEEKEND: $25,000 Matching Gift Challenge – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

The Longest Day® is all about love, and so is this invitation from a family foundation with a deep connection to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Inspired by people around the world who are participating in activities they love to raise funds and awareness to fight Alzheimer’s disease, this family foundation has pledged to give $25,000 to the Alzheimer’s Association if we can raise that same amount. When you make a gift this weekend, your donation can be matched — up to a total of $25,000 — to fund critical care, support and research.
This matching gift challenge is your opportunity to make a gift that can have TWICE the impact to help the more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and the 15 million who care for them. In recognition of The Longest Day, your tax-deductible donation of $35 can become $70, a gift of $60 can become $120, or your especially generous gift of $120 can become $240.
Any amount you give right now can go twice as far to help advance innovative research projects and provide critical care and support services. But please don’t delay. Donate now while your gift can be matched to bring us closer to our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s disease.

ACT NOW: Your gift counts 2x in honor of The Longest Day – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

ACT NOW: Your gift counts 2x in honor of The Longest Day – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

The Longest Day® is all about love, and so is this invitation from a family foundation with a deep connection to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Inspired by people around the world who are participating in activities they love to raise funds and awareness to fight Alzheimer’s disease, this family foundation has pledged to give $25,000 to the Alzheimer’s Association if we can raise that same amount. When you make a gift, your donation can be matched — up to a total of $25,000 — to fund critical care, support and research.
This matching gift challenge is your opportunity to make a gift that can have TWICE the impact to help the more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and the 15 million who care for them. In recognition of The Longest Day, your tax-deductible donation of $35 can become $70, a gift of $60 can become $120, or your especially generous gift of $120 can become $240.
Any amount you give right now can go twice as far to help advance innovative research projects and provide critical care and support services. But please don’t delay. Donate now while your gift can be matched to bring us closer to our vision of a world without Alzheimer’s disease.

Picture perfect for The Longest Day – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

Picture perfect for The Longest Day – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

The Longest Day is all about love. Love for all those affected by Alzheimer’s. On the summer solstice, teams from all across Illinois are participating in activities that they love in support of the Alzheimer’s Association. Together, we will raise funds and awareness for care and support while advancing research toward the first survivor of Alzheimer’s. In this article, we feature one of our Longest Day participants, Tara Grey.

Picture Perfect for The Longest Day

The Longest Day is all about love. Love for all those affected by Alzheimer’s. On the summer solstice, teams from all across Illinois are participating in activities that they love in support of the Alzheimer’s Association. Together, we will raise funds and awareness for care and support while advancing research toward the first survivor of Alzheimer’s. In this article, we feature one of our Longest Day participants, Tara Grey.

“I recall the first time I realized my maternal grandmother had the disease,” photographer and mother of four, Tara Gray said. “She kept hiding money from herself and could never find it.”

While misplacing objects seem commonplace, Tara knew her grandmother had drastically shifted. Often times, Alzheimer’s disease not only results in memory loss, but also behavioral changes as well – resulting in the rapid decline of a person’s livelihood.

“She suffered with the disease for many years,” Tara said. “It affected her to the very last breath she took.” Watching Alzheimer’s take effect on her grandmother’s health, Tara knew she couldn’t sit idly by.

“Getting involved by raising funds and awareness became so important to me because I saw how it affected my grandmother,” Tara said. “I wanted to help support an end to this disease and honor her.”

Keeping true to her word, Tara decided to participate in The Longest Day by invoking her own passion in the process.

“I am a photographer, so I decided to offer a special event called “Go Purple” for individuals and families who take photos with me in support of The Longest Day,” Tara said. “A portion of the proceeds will go directly to my team. I am also doing large group photos of people dressed in purple to support The Longest Day in conjunction with Alzheimer’s Brain and Awareness Month.”

But it takes more than one. Tara encourages others to make an effort and participate in The Longest Day as well.

“Others should participate to help raise more awareness,” Tara said. “If we all get involved, we could hopefully place more focus on medical options to prolong the timeline of the disease and eventually find a cure.”

Join The Longest Day – Team up with the Alzheimer’s Association.
Select an activity you love, and plan your event on or around The Longest Day.

IDEAS Study spurs related research, creates new tool for scientists – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

IDEAS Study spurs related research, creates new tool for scientists  – Alzheimer’s Association – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home Caregivers

The milestone Imaging Dementia Evidence for Amyloid Scanning (IDEAS) Study, led by the Alzheimer’s Association, is working with government and academic researchers to launch three add-on studies. In IDEAS, more than 18,000 people with cognitive decline but an unclear diagnosis will receive a brain amyloid PET scan. Similar to the groundbreaking Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), IDEAS and its add-on studies will create a massive database of information and samples that scientists worldwide can access and analyze.

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The $100 million IDEAS (Imaging Dementia — Evidence for Amyloid Scanning) Study is working closely with researchers and government officials to add three additional studies to the main project, where more than 18,000 people with cognitive deterioration but whose diagnosis is unclear are receiving a brain amyloid PET scan.

Those included in the IDEAS Study can take part in one or more of the three new add-on studies. They are:

The Amyloid Neuroimaging and Genetics Initiative (ANGI) Study will pair the clinical information and brain imaging data from the IDEAS Study with DNA obtained from around 3,000 study participants’ saliva samples. ANGI, funded by the Alzheimer’s Association, presents a unique scientific opportunity for new discoveries relating to brain imaging, clinical information, and genetic findings that can have a major impact on dementia care. More than 20 genes associated with risk for Alzheimer’s have been identified. But how these genes relate to amyloid deposits remains unclear. It is hoped that the research made possible by ANGI will ultimately lead to the development of new therapies that will slow or prevent cognitive impairment and dementia. All participation in the study is done by phone and mail so participants don’t need to leave their homes.

The Brain Health Registry (BHR), funded by the Alzheimer’s Association, is an online registry and database for recruiting, screening, and monitoring the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders. The registry will be used to collect lifestyle, cognitive, and health data from IDEAS participants, which will be paired with the amyloid PET results from the IDEAS Study. People in this study can invite a caregiver or study partner to join. The BHR registry aims to collect information that can be used to better understand brain aging and learn more about safe ways to use the internet for brain health screening, and help speed the discovery of treatments for Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases.

CARE IDEAS (Caregivers’ Reactions and Experience: Imaging Dementia — Evidence for Amyloid Scanning) Study will enhance and complement the core IDEAS study by recruiting and interviewing 3,500 patients and their care partners, such as spouses, children, or other family members supporting the patients as they cope with the diagnosis and treatment process.

Ultimately, interview responses will be linked to PET scan results, clinical reports, and comprehensive Medicare Part A, B, and D claims data about IDEAS patients and their care partners. The purpose of the study, which is funded by the U.S. National Institute on Aging, is to estimate the effect of amyloid PET results on how people with Alzheimer’s and their care partners plan for the future.

The study will also examine the impact of the amyloid PET scan results on the care partner, including burden, depression, and their own healthcare.

“We’re very excited by the creation and linking of these important research initiatives,” James Hendrix, PhD, Alzheimer’s Association director of global science initiatives, said in a news release. ”IDEAS is already a landmark research study, especially for clinicians and imagers. Through these three add-on studies, it now has the potential to become a powerful research tool for the entire Alzheimer’s and dementia research community.”

“Together, the IDEAS Study and the three add-ons have the potential to be the largest, most impactful set of coordinated studies on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias,” Hendrix added. “There is an enormous investment in the IDEAS Study from the public, private, and philanthropic communities. Through launching the add-on studies, and linking them all together, we’re leveraging the huge IDEAS Study population to answer even more questions about Alzheimer’s disease, other dementias, their genetic origins and impact.”

While these add-on trials are not covered under Medicare, they are free to participants. The Alzheimer’s Association is responsible for contacting potential participants; physicians taking part in the project are not required to help in the recruitment for the add-on studies.

After one year, the IDEAS study enrolled about half of its expected 18,488 enrollees, who are Medicare beneficiaries ages 65 and older, at 824 sites in the U.S. Study participants were recruited into one of two sub-groups: progressive, unexplained mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and dementia of uncertain cause.

This four-year project aims to establish if brain positron emission tomography (PET) scans that detects amyloid plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s, make a change in decision-making in the clinical setting and improve Medicare beneficiary patient outcomes.

The IDEAS Study was developed in response to the 2013 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) National Coverage Decision on amyloid PET imaging in dementia and neurodegenerative disease.

CMS did not provide coverage for the scans, and questioned the ability of PET amyloid imaging to lead to improved health outcomes, such as avoidance of futile treatment or tests, improving or slowing the decline of quality of life, and survival.

“We are imaging the brains of living people, many of whom have Alzheimer’s disease, to determine whether they have one of the hallmarks of the disease, amyloid plaque, which in turn will aid in our diagnosis. Doctors and families may make different decisions with a more precise diagnosis,” said Gil D. Rabinovici, MD, of UC San Francisco, chair of the IDEAS Study.

“This will be especially important for people with an unclear Alzheimer’s diagnosis. In many cases, ruling out Alzheimer’s can be as valuable as confirming it,” he said.