Clinical trial volunteers are crucial to advancing Alzheimer’s research

Clinical trial volunteers are crucial to advancing Alzheimer’s research

Through clinical trials, researchers test new ways to detect, treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Recruiting and retaining study participants is vital to developing the next generation of Alzheimer’s treatments. Alzheimer’s Association TrialMatch® is a free, easy-to-use clinical studies matching service that connects individuals with Alzheimer’s, caregivers, healthy volunteers and physicians with current studies.

About Alzheimer’s Association TrialMatch®

Alzheimer’s Association TrialMatch is a free, easy-to-use clinical studies matching service that connects individuals with Alzheimer’s, caregivers, healthy volunteers and physicians with current studies. Our continuously updated database of Alzheimer’s clinical trials includes more than 225 promising clinical studies being conducted at nearly 700 trials sites across the country.

We need your help to advance research

People with Alzheimer’s, caregivers and healthy volunteers are needed today to participate in Alzheimer’s and dementia research.

When you join a clinical trial, you have an opportunity to participate in vital research that could change the course of Alzheimer’s disease and improve the lives of all those it affects.

Find potential studies in four easy steps

Step 1

Access TrialMatch online. For additional assistance, email or call 800.272.3900.

Step 2

Complete a brief questionnaire to create a profile.

Step 3

The Alzheimer’s Association will compare your unique profile to its comprehensive, continually updated clinical study database.

Step 4

You will receive information about studies for which you might be a good fit based on your preferences, location and personal characteristics.

Help make 2016 our most successful year yet – Alzheimer’s

Help make 2016 our most successful year yet – Alzheimer’s

We urgently need your help to reach our goal to raise $500,000 by the end of January for our 2016 Annual Fund. We’re halfway through the month, and we can’t do this without you.
We’re proud of the accomplishments we achieved over the past year with your help, but until we put a stop to this devestating disease, there is so much more to do. Your support offers hope to the millions of people living with Alzheimer’s.

Give to the 2016 Annual Fund to fight Alzheimer’s.
Let’s put an end to this devastating epidemic.

Donate Now

This needs to be the year we make huge leaps in our search for methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure for Alzheimer’s. That’s why we must start the year with a strong foundation. Your gift to the 2016 Annual Fund will make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

We urgently need your help to reach our goal to raise $500,000 by the end of January for our 2016 Annual Fund. We’re halfway through the month, and we can’t do this without you.
We’re proud of the accomplishments we achieved over the past year with your help, but until we put a stop to this devestating disease, there is so much more to do. Your support offers hope to the millions of people living with Alzheimer’s.

Give to the 2016 Annual Fund to fight Alzheimer’s.
Let’s put an end to this devastating epidemic.

Donate Now

This needs to be the year we make huge leaps in our search for methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure for Alzheimer’s. That’s why we must start the year with a strong foundation. Your gift to the 2016 Annual Fund will make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

It’s 2016. We’re stepping up the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s 2016. We’re stepping up the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

In 2016, we’re saying “no more” to Alzheimer’s disease. We accomplished a great deal in 2015. Now we need your help to keep up this incredible momentum.
With your support in 2015, we:

  • Successfully lobbied Congress to support a historic funding increase of $350 million for Alzheimer’s research, and our advocates were instrumental in the passage of the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act.

Give to the 2016 Annual Fund to fight Alzheimer’s.
Improve lives today, support hope for tomorrow.

  • Released the 2015 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report, which revealed that less than half of seniors diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or their caregivers report being told of the diagnosis by a health care provider, driving the national conversation about this disease forward while raising critical awareness.
  • Continued to fund an ongoing clinical trial conducted by the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network (DIAN) for people with a type of early-onset Alzheimer’s.
  • Launched The Imaging Dementia — Evidence for Amyloid Scanning (IDEAS) Study to determine the clinical usefulness and value in diagnosing Alzheimer’s and other dementias using brain positron emission tomography (PET).
  • Provided care and support services for millions of people affected by Alzheimer’s.

These are just a few of the many accomplishments you helped make possible in the past year. These achievements improve the quality of life for people living with Alzheimer’s and give hope to millions that we can pave the way for a future without Alzheimer’s. But until we end this disease, we have to keep fighting. And we need your support.
You can ensure that we maintain the momentum into 2016 by helping us raise $500,000 in January. Will you help us reach our goal?
The 2016 Annual Fund is one of our most important fundraising drives this year. Your gift will advance research to end Alzheimer’s and provide support and services to the millions of Americans living with the disease.

Operation Boot Alzheimer’s

Operation Boot Alzheimer’s

Did you know that veterans are at an increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? Stress, traumatic experiences and head injuries are common among our nations veterans. This can take a toll on the brain and increase the likelihood that they will develop a brain-related disease. It is critical that we stand watch and look out for, and support our Veterans.


Did you know that veterans are at an increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease? Stress, traumatic experiences and head injuies are common among our nations veterans. This can take a toll on the brain and increase the likelihood that they will develop a brain-related disease. It is critical that we stand watch and look out for, and support our Veterans.
Your Service, Your Health, Our Focus

Cost: Free

This program is designed for Veterans and their families wanting to learn more about memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and how the Alzheimer’s Association can help them. For more information please contact Melanie Adams, Director of Education & Outreach at
Dates and locations: See the Calendar
Physician Outreach Education

The Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Illinois Chapter is committed to providing care and support to Veteran’s, their caregivers and families. Members of GIC proactively communicate and educate primary care physicians, neurologists and geriatricians on our program offerings to meet the needs of the Veteran’s in our 68 county service area. For more information on physician outreach education, please contact Terrianne Reynolds, Director of Medical and Research Activities at or 847.324.0371.

Reducing stress can help those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s

Reducing stress can help those caring for someone with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease caregivers frequently report experiencing high levels of stress. It can be overwhelming to take care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementia, but too much stress can be harmful to both of you. Our resources can help you avoid burnout.

Alzheimer’s caregivers frequently report experiencing high levels of stress. It can be overwhelming to take care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other dementia, but too much stress can be harmful to both of you. Read on to learn symptoms and ways to avoid burnout.

10 symptoms of caregiver stress

Caregiver Stress Check

Alzheimer caregivers frequently report high levels of stress. Take our quiz and get resources to help.

  1. Denial about the disease and its effect on the person who has been diagnosed.
    I know Mom is going to get better.
  2. Anger at the person with Alzheimer’s, anger that no cure exists or anger that people don’t understand what’s happening.
    If he asks me that one more time I’ll scream!
  3. Social withdrawal from friends and activities that once brought pleasure.
    I don’t care about getting together with the neighbors anymore.
  4. Anxiety about the future.
    What happens when he needs more care than I can provide?
  5. Depression that begins to break your spirit and affects your ability to cope.
    I don’t care anymore.
  6. Exhaustion that makes it nearly impossible to complete necessary daily tasks.
    I’m too tired for this.
  7. Sleeplessness caused by a never-ending list of concerns.
    What if she wanders out of the house or falls and hurts herself?
  8. Irritability that leads to moodiness and triggers negative responses and actions.
    Leave me alone!
  9. Lack of concentration that makes it difficult to perform familiar tasks.
    I was so busy, I forgot we had an appointment.
  10. Health problems that begin to take a mental and physical toll.
    I can’t remember the last time I felt good.

If you experience any of these signs of stress on a regular basis, make time to talk to your doctor.

We Can Help

If you are feeling stressed, get support from family, friends and the resources below:

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Tips to manage stress

If you experience signs of stress on a regular basis, consult your doctor. Ignoring symptoms can cause your physical and mental health to decline.

  • Know what resources are available.
    Adult day programs, in-home assistance, visiting nurses and meal delivery are just some of the services that can help you manage daily tasks. Use our online Community Resource Finder or contact your local Alzheimer’s Association chapter for assistance in finding Alzheimer’s care resources in your community. Use Alzheimer’s Navigator, our free online tool that helps evaluate your needs, identify action steps and connect with local programs and services.
  • Get help.
    Trying to do everything by yourself will leave you exhausted. Seek the support of family, friends and caregivers going through similiar experiences. Tell others exactly what they can do to help. The Alzheimer’s Association 24/7 Helpline (800.272.3900), online message boards and local support groups are good sources of comfort and reassurance.
  • Use relaxation techniques.
    There are several simple relaxation techniques that can help relieve stress. Try more than one to find which works best for you. Techniques include:
    • Visualization (mentally picturing a place or situation that is peaceful and calm)
    • Meditation (which can be as simple as dedicating 15 minutes a day to letting go of all stressful thoughts)
    • Breathing exercises (slowing your breathing and focusing on taking deep breaths)
    • Progressive muscle relaxation (tightening and then relaxing each muscle group, starting at one end of your body and working your way to the other end)
      Learn more about relaxation techniques on the Mayo Clinic website.

    Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter

    Get ideas for balancing caring for your needs with the needs of a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Subscribe now.

  • Get moving.
    Physical activity — in any form — can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Even 10 minutes of exercise a day can help. Take a walk. Do an activity you love, such as gardening or dancing.
  • Make time for yourself.
    As a caregiver, it’s hard to find time for yourself, but staying connected to friends, family and activities that you love is important for your well-being. Even if it’s only 30 minutes a week, carve out a pocket of time just for yourself.
  • Become an educated caregiver.
    As the disease progresses, new caregiving skills may be necessary. The Alzheimer’s Association offers programs to help you better understand and cope with the behaviors and personality changes that often accompany Alzheimer’s.
  • Take care of yourself.
    Visit your doctor regularly. Watch your diet, exercise and get plenty of rest. Making sure that you stay healthy will help you be a better caregiver.