What is "Normal" About Aging?

What is “Normal” About Aging?

As we age, our bodies adapt to the influences of aging in various ways. Each body system undergoes subtle but normal changes as wear and tear, genetic influences and environmental factors alter both its form and function. Awareness of “what’s normal” about aging does not change the process, but it does provide us with a better understanding of the experience. Click here to view article.

By Mary Romelfanger

“I noticed the other day that some colors don’t seem as bright to me . . . wonder if I need new glasses.”

“You know, my family tells me that they think I have ‘selective hearing loss’ because I can hear other things, but I don’t seem to hear them when they ask me to do something.”

“Either I’m shrinking, or my 15-year-old granddaughter is growing like a weed.”

Sound familiar? The ways our bodies work change as we age, but which changes are “normal” and which changes require follow-up by a health-care provider? This article will provide an overview of some of the more common “normal” physical changes associated with aging.

The body we had at 50 is a very different body than the one we have at 70. The human body is composed of several separate but incredibly interrelated and interactive systems. Each of these systems works in concert with one or more major organs (heart, brain, kidney, etc.) to keep the body functioning normally.

Numerous factors influence how the aging process affects not only each system but also each person. The variations are endless, which makes the study of normal aging or “gerontology” such an intriguing endeavor. Genetic influences are substantial—not only related to longevity but also to biological and behavioral processes along the life course. For example, some individuals may inherit biological markers that predispose them to develop certain types of cancer, while others may have a predisposition to develop mood disorders.

Social scientists identify many other lifelong variables such as heterogeneity, cumulative disadvantage and ageism that also play a role in how we age (Wilmoth). For example, cultural expectations, such as how older adults are “supposed to” look, act, walk and talk, as well as decreased retirement earnings, increased vulnerability in a fast-paced society and multiple other factors, influence quality of life over time. Essentially, one’s ability to adapt to changing cultural environments, socioeconomic conditions and even how society values or devalues aging individuals is central to successful aging. As the adage goes, “Aging isn’t for sissies.”

We know that lifestyle choices, environmental factors, nutrition and health maintenance majorly influence the optimum functioning and appearance of our bodies, and can play a significant role in predisposing us to early aging. Smoking, for example, can not only create havoc with the heart and lungs but can also cause the skin to wrinkle early and even make your eyes droop. Sun “worshipping” not only invites skin cancer but also wrinkles and toughens of the skin.

The important factor to remember is that due to a variety of factors, such as wear and tear, not only do we each experience the aging process differently, but also some of the organ systems within our own bodies age at different rates. This article will address some age-related changes, or changes that everyone experiences as part of the normal aging process (Luchino). This month we look at age-related changes in the nervous system (senses), muscular system (muscle and skeletal tissue) and the integumentary system (skin).

Generally, age-related changes in body systems and organs affect functional efficiency as a result of diminishing size, flexibility and longer processing or “recovery” time. As organs such as the heart diminish in size and flexibility, when stressed by exercise or other factors, heart rate and blood pressure increase, and the length of time for heart rate and blood pressure to return to their “normal” states is increased.

Sensory Changes (Nervous System)

The five sensory organs—eye, ear, nose, tongue, skin—are each affected to some degree. Gradual changes in vision include decreased visual acuity and depth perception; less ability to discriminate between colors (red and orange are the easiest to see; blue and green the hardest); increased sensitivity to glare; a harder time seeing things that are near, which is why we hold our menus in restaurants as far from us as possible (we don’t need better glasses, just longer arms); and the need for stronger light, something we often notice when reading.

Ever wonder why you’re having a harder time understanding what someone is saying to you? As we age, hearing gradually diminishes, especially for higher frequencies (the human voice) and pitch variation.

Decreasing perception in the sense of smell and taste is common, especially after the fifth decade (50 percent of our taste buds disappear by age 80). If you’re adding more salt and sugar to your food, that’s because the ability to perceive all four taste qualities (sweet, salt, sour and bitter) diminishes, with sweet and salt decreasing first, followed by the perception of sour and bitter.

And if you’re having a hard time feeling the sensation of hot or cold on your skin or easily get turned around, that’s because thinning and loss of elasticity of the layers of the skin reduce the acuity of the sense of touch, temperature and spatial perception.

Muscle Changes (Muscular System)

If you’re wondering why you can’t keep up with the younger folks in your yoga class, it’s because muscle strength and flexibility decrease with age as we lose 50 percent of muscle mass between the ages of 30 and 75. The elastic fibers in muscle tissue also diminish. Nor can we walk as fast or coordinate our steps up the stairs as well. The good news is that resistance training and endurance exercise can improve muscle mass, strength and balance. In addition, many organs (heart, bladder, lungs) are composed of or rely on nearby muscles to function efficiently.

Skeletal Changes (Skeletal System)

As we age, we get shorter. On average, we lose 2 inches in height between the ages of 20 and 70 because bones thin and shrink in the spinal column and the arms and legs. Changes in the skeletal system occur earlier in women, frequently beginning at age 40. Loss of cartilage tissue on joint surfaces causes “creaky knees” and even changes in the appearance of the ear lobes, which lengthen as we get older.

Skin Changes (Integumentary System)

Ever wonder why a small bump against something causes purple bruising? As noted earlier, the skin (which is the largest of the body systems) thins and loses its underlying support layer of fatty tissue as we age. It also loses strength and elasticity, making it much more susceptible to trauma and bruising. The small blood vessels near the surface of the skin become more fragile and bleed with minor trauma, causing dark purple areas called senile purpura.

We need more lotion as we age, as sweat glands diminish in size and the skin becomes drier and wrinkled. Large pigmented spots (called age spots or liver spots) may appear in sun-exposed areas, revealing our older age even if we keep ourselves trim and dye our hair.

In fact, hair color change is probably one of the most obvious signs of aging. Hair (except nasal and ear hair) thins and changes to gray. Graying is genetically determined, so if your mother didn’t have gray hair until she was 70, you’ll probably have the same experience. How much hair you have on your body and head is also determined by your genes. However, almost everyone experiences some hair loss with aging as the rate of hair growth slows.

Blood supply to the nails diminishes, so they become thicker, yellower, brittle and grow more slowly. Nails, especially toenails, may become hard and thick. Ingrown toenails may be more common, and the tips of the fingernails may split or tear.

In summary, the aging body clearly changes. Some systems slow down, while others lose their “fine tuning.” As a general rule, slight, gradual changes are common, and most of these are not problems. However, sudden and dramatic changes might indicate serious health problems. A program of regular, thorough health check-ups and self-examinations will identify changes that may be cause for concern (Smith).

Finally, lest we get too introspective about how our mirrored reflections have changed over the past 10 years, let’s recall Satchel Paige’s question “for the ages”: “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you was?”


Wilmoth, J., and Ferraro, K. (2007) Gerontology: Perspectives and Issues (3rd Ed). New York: Springer Publishing.

Smith, S., and Gove, J. (2005) “Physical Changes of Aging.” Physical Changes of Aging-EDIS-University of Florida. Retrieved 12/1/2012 from edis.ifas.ufl.edu.pdffiles/HE/HEO1900.pdf.

Luchino, R. “The Normal Aging Process.” (n.d.) Wahsa.org/agingprocess.pdf. Retrieved 12/12/2012 from http://washsa.org/agingprocess.pdf.

“Aging Hair and Nails” (2010). Retrieved 12/10/2012 from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/004005.htm.

Mary Romelfanger, RN, MSN, CS (Gerontology), LNHA, is a clinical specialist with more than 30 years of experience working with the older adult population and health care systems throughout the United States and Canada.



You can do a lot after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s

You can do a lot after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s


A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s doesn’t mean you have to stop taking part in life. Keep doing the things you enjoy. Find comfort in your family and friends. Plan for your future. And consider getting involved with the Alzheimer’s Association and our mission.
Learn more about getting involved >>

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s doesn’t mean you stop taking part in life. Keep doing the things you enjoy. Find comfort in your family and friends. Plan for your future. And consider getting involved with the Alzheimer’s Association and our mission.

Advocate – Speak to others about the issues you face. Become an Alzheimer’s advocate and make an impact on the decision-makers for Alzheimer’s funding. As an advocate, you can talk to legislators about your personal experiences and the need to increase funding for research and care programs.

Join Walk to End Alzheimer’s™ – Walk with your family and friends in the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. Find a Walk.

Find support – Attend a local Alzheimer’s Association support group and meet with other individuals to share your hopes and fears, and give advice and support. You can also connect with others online through our message boards and chat.

Participate in clinical studies – More than 150 Alzheimer-related clinical studies are now recruiting participants. You can help advance knowledge about this disease by participating in a study. Learn more about clinical studies.



See a doctor If you’re worried about memory changes

See a doctor If you’re worried about memory changes

Memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Every individual may experience one or more of the 10 signs of Alzheimer’s disease in different degrees. If you notice any of them, please see a doctor.
Learn more about the 10 signs >>




Dear Abby: A voice for people with Alzheimer’s disease

Dear Abby: A voice for people with Alzheimer’s disease


Pauline Phillips, who was known as Dear Abby and wrote under the name Abigail Van Buren, wasn’t afraid to bring tough topics like Alzheimer’s disease into public discussion. In 1980, long before her own Alzheimer’s diagnosis, Phillips (who passed away last week) put a spotlight on dementia when she published a letter from a woman who had recently learned her 60-year-old husband had Alzheimer’s.
Read the blog post >>

Pauline Phillips, the woman you probably all know as Dear Abby and who wrote under the name Abigail Van Buren, was never afraid to bring tough topics into public discussion. Alzheimer’s disease was no exception.

In 1980, long before her own diagnosis with this devastating disease, she brought dementia into the spotlight when she published a letter from a woman who had recently learned her 60-year-old husband had Alzheimer’s.

The woman, who signed her letter “Desperate in New York,” wanted guidance on how to cope. She felt isolated and helpless. She needed information.

Dear Abby’s reply began, “You are not alone.”

And she wasn’t.  At the time, it was felt that Alzheimer’s disease was a major epidemic in the United States.  Today, it is estimated to afflict more than 5 million people.

Dear Abby directed her to the Alzheimer’s Association, a newly formed group that came together to assist people with the disease and their families, raise awareness, advocate for state and federal help, and increase government funding for research in hopes of finding treatments and a cure. My personal involvement with the Association resulted from the fact that my father, three of his brothers and two of his sisters died from Alzheimer’s disease.  In addition, in 2012 one of my cousins died from this disease.

At the time Dear Abby wrote to ‘Desperate in New York,” I was president of the New York Chapter as well as secretary/treasurer of the National Alzheimer’s Association. The national headquarters were run out of my law office in New York City, and my staff and I were fielding calls for information and referrals.

Within two weeks of the Dear Abby column being published,  we were inundated with more than 22,000 pieces of mail requesting information. Dear Abby put Alzheimer’s disease in the public spotlight and put the Alzheimer’s Association on the map.

In the years to come, Mrs. Phillips continued to raise Alzheimer’s awareness, publishing numerous Dear Abby columns that connected those needing support to Association resources. Then, 15 years after first bringing the topic to readers across the globe, Mrs. Phillips – a woman known for her strong intellect and straight-talk – began showing signs of the disease.

Yesterday, after living with Alzheimer’s for more than a decade, she passed away at the age of 94.

Mrs. Phillips once wrote: “The purpose of life is to amount to something and have it make some difference that you lived at all.”

When Alzheimer’s disease finally becomes a distant memory, when a cure is discovered, Mrs. Phillips will be right on top of the list of  people who humankind will owe it’s gratitude for ridding the world of this terrible disease.

The difference she made is profound. By encouraging people to talk and providing information when it was needed, she changed lives.  She let those living with Alzheimer’s know they aren’t alone. By spreading awareness of Alzheimer’s disease, she helped enable the Alzheimer’s Association to get public funds to help and support families, educate caregivers, and increase the research budget from about 2 million in 1980 to more than 450 million today.

I wish to express my personal condolences to the family and appreciation to Mrs. Phillips for everything she has done to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease.  May she rest in peace.

Lonnie Wollin

About the Blog Author: Lonnie Wollin is an attorney in New York and one of the founders of the Alzheimer’s Association. He remains actively involved with the organization.





Get a tote bag when you join our January Donor Drive–Alzheimer’s Association


Today, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Funding for Alzheimer’s care, support and research is vital if we are to keep pace with this devastating epidemic. Because monthly gifts provide such significant support for these efforts, we’ve launched a January Donor Drive to recruit more friends who want to advance our work.

Why should you consider giving monthly?

One donor puts it this way:

“I donate in honor of my mother, who has the most beautiful open, loving spirit despite the challenges of this disease. Giving monthly makes me feel more committed to a solution, and it allows the Alzheimer’s Association to plan for the year ahead and allocate resources to necessary services/programs and research.”

Benefits of giving monthly

  • It’s easy. The monthly amount you select is charged to your credit card automatically. You’re free to cancel at any time.
  • It’s cost-effective. Your money goes further, because monthly giving reduces the need for regular appeals, saving money spent on printing and paper.
  • It makes a difference. Your monthly donation will help us provide much-needed services to the individuals and families who are facing this disease, and advance research studies exploring methods of treatment, prevention and ultimately, a cure.
  • It makes a statement. Become a monthly donor this January and you’ll receive an Alzheimer’s Association® tote bag that shows your support. Use it to carry groceries or anything else, in place of using plastic or paper bags!

Alzheimer’s is the sixth-leading cause of death in the U.S., but there is no way to prevent it, cure it, or slow its progression. Your monthly gift will provide funding we can rely on to advance the fight against Alzheimer’s. It’s a great way to start off the New Year.

