Coping with difficult behaviors in dementia: Strategies to use today – Alzheimer’s – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home

Coping with difficult behaviors in dementia: Strategies to use today – Alzheimer’s – Optimum Senior Care – Chicago In Home –

When a person with dementia experiences agitation, the resulting behaviors can be difficult to manage. While medications can provide benefits, there are effective non-pharmacological strategies that can be employed. Join us for Programs by Phone on October 9 at noon to learn how making simple changes in how we relate to a person with dementia can make a world of difference in mitigating difficult behaviors.

About Programs by Phone

All Programs by Phone are the 2nd Tuesday Each Month
Noon CST, 1 pm EST
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Program Schedule

All Upcoming Programs

April Stauffer, MS
Community Outreach Coordinator, Alzheimer’s Association Greater KY & SoIN Chapter

Coping with Difficult Behaviors in Dementia: Strategies You Can Use Today
TUE OCT 9, 2018
» 12-1 PM CST / 1-2 PM EST

When a person with dementia experiences agitation, the resulting behaviors can be difficult to manage. While medications can provide benefits, there are effective non-pharmacological strategies that can be employed. Join us to learn how making simple changes in how we relate to a person with dementia can make a world of difference in mitigating difficult behaviors.


Becky Beanblossom
Certified Alzheimer’s Trainer, Owner/Operator Home Instead Senior Care

Family Conflict & Alzheimer’s: Finding Common Ground
TUE NOV 13, 2018
» 12-1 PM CST / 1-2 PM EST

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s can be especially challenging for families. Family dynamics between adult children and parents can quickly become problematic and seem like an overwhelming obstacle to focusing on caring for the person with dementia. Dial in to learn some strategies for navigating the difficult waters of family and dementia.


Gregory Cooper, MD
Board-certified Neurologist

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease & Mild Cognitive Impairment
TUE DEC 11, 2018
» 12-1 PM CST / 1-2 PM EST

If you or someone you know is experiencing changes in memory and cognition, how can you tell if it’s normal aging or something more serious? What is the difference between mild cognitive impairment, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease? Join us as we speak to board-certified neurologist Dr. Gregory Cooper to learn about the diagnostic process when cognitive issues arise.


Listen to Past Recorded Programs

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Talking to Your Doctor About Dementia: Diagnosis & Followup» Sep 11, 2018
Research Scientist, Asst Professor of Psychiatry

Visiting the doctor can be intimidating and even frightening when you are concerned about Alzheimer’s. This is true for an initial diagnosis and for follow-up visits. Join us as we learn from a geriatrician about the process of diagnosing Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and how you can effectively partner with your doctor as you navigate these tricky waters. Read more »


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Resources for Overwhelmed Caregivers: How to Get Help Now » Aug 14, 2018
Director, Helpline & Support Services

By the time many caregivers realize that they cannot “do it all,” they are already overwhelmed by the demands Alzheimer’s makes on them. This month we will learn about various places to find caregiver resources, enabling caregivers to continue providing good care for their loved ones, and finding needed support for themselves. Read more »


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Diet & Alzheimer’s disease: How Can We Reduce Our Risk? » Jul 10, 2018
NorthShore University HealthSystem, Center for Brain Health

Research has shown that the Mediterranean diet can reduce one’s risk for Alzheimer’s disease. What is the Mediterranean diet, and what dietary changes can we make quickly and easily? Join us to learn more about this diet and how it supports brain health. Read more »


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How You Say It: Making Matters Worse (or Better) By How You Communicate » Jun 12, 2018
Owner & Director of Circle of Friends Adult Day Center, Champaign, IL

Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias cause changes in the person’s ability to communicate. Understanding these challenges and adjusting our communication patterns can make all the difference in the world for both caregivers and those with dementia. Dial in to learn some simple rules of thumb to communicate more effectively, both verbally and nonverbally. Read more »


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Caregiver Bootcamp: How Person-Centered Care Changes Everything » May 8, 2018
Clinical Psychologist and Professor & Vice Chair in Psychological & Brain Sciences at the University of Louisville

A person with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia is a person, first and foremost. Sadly, in many settings they are treated as a ‘patient’ that represents a to-do list for caregivers. Whether it is professional caregivers or family members, it is easy to fall into this role of box checking instead of dealing with the person with dementia. Dial in to learn how person-centered care will improve the quality of life for both the caregiver and the person with dementia. Read more »


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Hearing Loss & Dementia: What are the Connections? » Apr 10, 2018
Senior Audiologist, Connect Hearing, Avon, IN

Hearing loss is associated with poor cognition and a progression to mild cognitive impairment, a condition that can be a precursor to Alzheimer’s disease. Join us as we learn from a doctor of audiology what we can do to protect our hearing and what is being learned about the connection between hearing loss and dementia. Read more »


Meet the Experts


April Stauffer, MS
Community Outreach Coordinator, Alzheimer’s Association Greater KY & SoIN Chapter

April Stauffer coordinates and presents education programs for the general public, family and professional caregivers, Read more »

Tue Oct 9, 2018 – Coping with Difficult Behaviors in Dementia: Strategies You Can Use Today


Becky Beanblossom
Certified Alzheimer’s Trainer, Owner/Operator Home Instead Senior Care

Becky Beanblossom is a certified Alzheimer’s trainer and owner and operator of Home Instead Senior Care in East Louisville, Kentucky. Read more »

Tue Nov 13, 2018 – Family Conflict & Alzheimer’s: Finding Common Ground


Gregory Cooper, MD
Board-certified Neurologist

Gregory Cooper, MD attended the University of Kentucky, where he received his PhD in 1992 and his MD in 1994. Read more »

Tue Dec 11, 2018 – Diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease & Mild Cognitive Impairment

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