Twice the impact, twice the inspiration – Alzheimer’s disease

Twice the impact, twice the inspiration – Alzheimer’s disease
Thanks to donors like you, we just met our $25,000 challenge match sponsored by the Pond family. I’m grateful for your support, as are the families you enable us to serve this holiday season. Your generosity helps us advance cutting-edge research and provide critical resources for people impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. So we need your continued support.
I’m overjoyed to tell you that we have another online-only opportunity, and I hope you can help again. Henry and Debbie Pao are making a matching gift for the third year in a row. They will donate $15,000 to the Alzheimer’s Association if we can raise that same amount by December 31. That means before 2015 ends, you have an additional chance for your gift to go twice as far.

Your gift can go twice as far for the holidays. Will you give today?
$35 can become $70
$60 can become $120
$120 can become $240

The Pao family’s gift is in honor of their father, Yunni Pao, and his fight with Alzheimer’s disease. They invite you to join in their effort to help end this cruel disease. When you do, your tax-deductible year-end donation of $35 can become $70, or a gift of $60 can become $120.
Henry and Debbie Pao told us that they continue to give so generously because they value the Alzheimer’s Association’s work in providing meaningful care and support in local communities as well as driving research efforts worldwide. I hope you’re inspired by their three-year commitment and will take this opportunity for your gift to go twice as far. I appreciate your help in the fight against Alzheimer’s.

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