Tell Congress it’s time to act on Alzheimer’s

Tell Congress it’s time to act on Alzheimer’s

This week, Congress has the opportunity to take a major step forward in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, but they need to hear from you. Congress is voting on the fiscal year 2015 funding bill, which includes the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act. This legislation ensures that Congress is equipped with the best possible information to set funding priorities to reach the goal of National Alzheimer’s Plan to prevent and effectively treat Alzheimer’s by 2025. The bill also includes an additional $25 million increase for vital Alzheimer’s research.
I hope you’ll join the Alzheimer’s Association by signing our petition calling on Congress to approve the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act and increase funding for Alzheimer’s disease.
Sign the petition now!
As you know, the Alzheimer’s epidemic takes an enormous human and financial toll on our nation. Today there are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s, and the disease has been recognized by the New England Journal of Medicine as the most expensive condition in America.
To prevent, stop or even slow the fatal progression of Alzheimer’s disease we must increase critical research. That’s why it’s so important that Congress takes action this week.
Please take a moment to sign our petition. Call on Congress to act today!
By signing our petition, you’ll be standing with the Alzheimer’s Association as we continue our work to fight for increased funding for Alzheimer’s research, improved access to care and support services for families facing the disease.
Tell Congress today: It’s time to act on Alzheimer’s.

Sign the Petition: Tell Congress to Act Today

Today I’m standing with the Alzheimer’s Association to ask members of Congress to support the Alzheimer’s Accountability Act, which ensures that future funding decisions will be informed by the professional judgment of National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists, and to approve an additional $25 million increase for vital Alzheimer’s research.

Currently there are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease and that number will only continue to rise as our nation’s population ages. That’s why I’m asking Congress to increase research funding to help prevent, stop and slow the fatal progression of this devastating disease.

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