Now’s the time to fight Alzheimer’s disease. When you support our spring matching gift challenge, your gift can go twice as far to end this deadly disease — but only until June 15.
The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation of Tulsa, Oklahoma has generously pledged $500,000 to the Alzheimer’s Association if we can raise that same amount by June 15. Their gift will play a significant role in advancing research initiatives that have the potential to slow the trajectory of Alzheimer’s disease.
When you make your gift today, you can make twice the impact on care and support services and advance critical research to help those living with the disease, their families and other caregivers. You can also pay tribute to a friend or family member by making an honor or memorial gift.
Because of this matching gift challenge, your contribution today can go further for those affected by Alzheimer’s. Your donation of $35 can become $70, a gift of $60 can become $120, or your especially generous gift of $120 can become $240.
There’s still time to donate during our spring matching gift challenge, but please don’t hesitate to make a gift by the June 15 deadline. Those living with Alzheimer’s, their families and other caregivers are counting on you for help. Please give generously today.
P.S. You can choose to make your donation to our matching gift challenge in honor of a friend or family member. But the opportunity to make TWICE the impact ends June 15, so please give today.
Your donation will strengthen our efforts to advance Alzheimer’s care, support and research. From face-to-face support to online education programs and promising global research initiatives, your gift makes a difference in the lives of all those affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias in your community and across the world. Thank you for your continued support.