Why I Walk… Leslie’s Story

Why I Walk… Leslie’s Story

“Journey”, it’s quite a word. It has as many twists and turns as a Rand McNally Map. To be honest, I’m not sure where I am on the journey. I am unsure as to where it began and I don’t know when I will reach the final destination. Regardless, I am confident of this, I am not alone.
Known as Sara to others, but to me she is Mom. As I look into her eyes there are times when I know that she is somewhere else. I wonder where she is in her mind’s journey.

“Journey”; it’s quite a word. It has as many twists and turns as a Rand McNally Map. To be honest, I’m not sure where I am on the journey. I am unsure as to where it began and I don’t know when I will reach the final destination. Regardless, I am confident of this, I am not alone.
Known as Sara to others, but to me she is Mom. As I look into her eyes there are times when I know that she is somewhere else. I wonder where she is in her mind’s journey. Is she revisiting her childhood? Is she afraid? Lost? Where is she? I don’t know.
So I’ll walk this year in the Decatur Walk for the one who taught me how to walk. I will place one foot in front of the other. On this journey I will shed more tears, I will laugh, I will sing and I will pray…..and I will be confident of this: that He who began a good work in my mom will be faithful to complete it… (Phil. 6:1)
-Leslie Kent
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